In my previous article I explained to you guys about how is the Academic Writing Style different from normal blog writing or website content writing
. In this article I would be revolving around one of the most important topics, Plagiarism protection. What is plagiarism, exactly... In simple words, it is copying someone else's written content and saying that it is your own. Imagine, you have done all the hard work and written a 2500 words essay about your assignment and then the professor says that it is 75% plagiarised. And bang, you are gone, you get an F grade in your course and are asked to repeat the course in next semester. Believe me, this happens, not only with the students who copy their assignments but also who genuinely write their essays. And if you are a post graduate student or a junior faculty, plagiarism in your thesis or research paper might amount to Academic Dishonesty and might result in suspension and expulsion from the college.So the next thing in your mind is, how to avoid this. How to catch Plagiarism in your article or essay before your professor catches it. There are many websites which would tell exact percentage of plagiarism in your essays. Many of you would be aware of Turintin. But I would suggest you . Just paste your article over there and within a few seconds you will get to know exact percentage of plagiarism in your website.
Ok, finally you know that there is like 60% plagiarism in your article and your deadline is tomorrow or day after tomorrow. I would suggest if the deadline is far then just reedit your article and those particular lines and paragraphs which seem to be copied. But if your deadline is near then please take some professional help from companies like where you can submit your essay and get it completely reedited at nominal costs. I would be explaining on next most important topic in Academic Writing in my next article (That would be Harvard Referencing And Importance of other Referencing Styles)
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